Run To The Hills
White man came across the sea,
Brought us pain and misery.
Killed our tribes, killed our creed,
Took our game for his own need.
We fought him hard, we fought him well,
Out on the plains we gave him hell.
But many came, to much for Cree,
Oh will we ever be set free?
Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes,
Galloping hard on the plains.
Chasing the redskins back to their holes,
Fighting them at their own game.
Murder for freedom, a stab in the back.
Women and children and cowards attack.
Run to the hills, run for your lives.
Run to the hills, run for your lives.
Soldier blue in the barren wastes,
Hunting and killing for game.
Raping the women and wasting the men,
The only good Indians are tame.
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold,
Enslaving the young and destroying the old.
Run to the hills, run for your lives.
(repeat to end)
Uteč do kopcov
Spoza mora prišiel biely muž
priniesol nám bolesť a utrpenie
Zničil naše kmene, zabil nám vieru
Našu zver si vzal pre svoje potreby
Bojovali sme s ním tvrdo, bojovali sme s ním dobre
Na pláňach sme mu pripravili peklo
Ale prišlo ich veľa, pre kmeň Cree príliš mnoho
Oh, budeme niekedy slobodní?
Jazdia cez mračná prachu a neúrodnou pôdou
Tažko cválajú pláňami.
Zaháňajú červenokožcov späť do jaskýň
Bojujú s nimi ich vlastnými zbraňami
Vraždia pre slobodu, bodajú do chrbtov
Ženy a deti a aj zbabelci útočia
Uteč do kopcov, zachráň si život
Uteč do kopcov, zachráň si život
Bojovníci z nebies na neúrodných pastvinách
Lovia a zabíjajú zver
Znásilňujú ženy a kynožia mužov
Jediní dobrí indiáni sú pokorní indiáni
Predávajú im whisky a berú im zlato
Zotročujú mladých a zabíjajú starých
Uteč do kopcov, zachráň si život
Uteč do kopcov, zachráň si život